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Ontario PRIDE events

Colourful illustration that says celebrate PRIDE

OSSTF/FEESO will be marching in the Pride Toronto Parade on Sunday, June 25.

This list of LGBTQ Pride events across Ontario is accurate at the time of printing. Please check your local listings for the most current updates.

May 29–Jun. 5 Pride Durham www.pridedurham.com

Jun 3.–Jun. 10 Pride Niagara www.prideniagara.com

Jun. 17 Kingston Pride www.kingstonpride.ca

Jun. 3-10 Barrie Pride www.barriepride.com

Jun.3–Jun. 11 Timmins Pride www.timminspride.com

Jun. 7–Jun. 17 Thunder Bay Pride www.thunderpride.com

Jun. 9–Jun. 18 York Pride www.yorkpridefest.com

Jun. TBA Hamilton Pride www.pridehamilton.ca

Jun. 17 Brantford Pride www.brantfordpride.ca

Jun. 24–Jun. 26 Kenora Pride Facebook “Kenora Pride”

Jun. 1–Jun. 25 Pride Toronto www.pridetoronto.com

Jun. 4–Jun. 10 Belleville Pride www.bellevillepride.ca

Jul. TBA Sudbury Pride www.sudburypride.com

Jul. 21–Jul. 30 Muskoka Pride www.gaymuskoka.com

Jul. TBA Peel Pride www.peelpride.ca

Jul. 10–Jul. 15 Brockville Pride brockvillepride.weekly.com

Jul. 20–Jul. 30 Pride London www.pridelondon.ca

Jul. 31–Aug. 13 Simcoe County Pride www.simcoepride.com

Aug. 8–Aug. 13 Windsor-Essex Pride Festival www.wepridefest.com

Aug. 21–Aug. 27 Capital Pride (Ottawa) www.ottawacapitalpride.ca

Sep. 15–Sep. 24 Peterborough Pride www.peterboroughpride.ca

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