Call for contributors for Local Research on Inclusive Education Work Group
We are looking for interested members with experience in educational research to conduct local research on Inclusive Education. The team will meet with assigned provincial office staff at least three times as part of the process, with the goal of:
a) conducting local research on Inclusive Education, how it is implemented, and its impact on educators;
b) examining any current research on Inclusive Education that is relevant to Ontario educators; and
c) submitting the results of such research to the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Task Force’s Member Research Project on Inclusive Education, to produce recommendations for policy/legislation, collective bargaining, in-service training and educator and union practice.
OSSTF/FEESO recognizes that fully inclusive education must acknowledge and address multiple forms of exclusion. In keeping with goals of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Task Force, research conducted through this project will focus on barriers and strategies targeting students with disabilities, although the research should include recognition that some students face multiple, intersecting barriers.
The team will have its first meeting in June at the provincial office in Toronto.
OSSTF/FEESO values the participation of members with different voices from lived experiences. We recognize that the selection of candidates for federation positions from members of equity seeking groups is an asset. Self-identification of membership in equity seeking group(s) is voluntary. If you choose to self-identify, please let us know any that apply to you:
- Woman
- Racialized Person
- FNMI (First Nations, Métis, Inuit)
- Person with a Disability
- Francophone
The deadline for application is May 24, 2018. Interested candidates are to submit, via mail, email or fax:
1) a letter of application describing your interest and experience in education research,
2) a resume or curriculum vitae,
Please direct submissions and inquiries to Randy Banderob, OSSTF/FEESO 60 Mobile Drive, ON, M4A 2P3; Fax: 416.751.7079; Email:
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