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Call for Writers—Joint OSSTF/FEESO and White Ribbon Preventing Sexual Exploitation Curriculum Resource

black and white illustration of mans hands trying to protect himself

In 2014, White Ribbon collaborated with OSSTF/FEESO to create the Draw-the-Line against Sexual Exploitation: Working with Men and Boys to Help End Sexual Exploitation e-learning module for educators and three lesson plans related to sexual exploitation prevention.

Now, to build upon this foundation, OSSTF/FEESO has again collaborated with White Ribbon to create an up-to-date digital curriculum resource for educators. The curriculum resource will focus on Grades 9–12 and will be available in French and English. The curriculum resource will include lesson plans (updating the three existing lesson plans and new lesson plans). Another part of the project will be the creation of a curriculum connection chart, identifying entry points for learning about sexual exploitation prevention for a wide variety of subjects in the applied and academic areas, including the Arts, Canadian and World Studies, English, French, Health and Physical Education, and Social Sciences and Humanities.

A webinar/workshop to enhance educators’ knowledge about sexual exploitation prevention will also be developed to support the implementation of the digital curriculum resource.

The Provincial Executive is looking for active members who would be interested in participating in this curriculum-writing project. Chosen team members will to work in collaboration with White Ribbon and OSSTF/FEESO on feedback and revisions to lesson plans.

Applicants from rural areas, and applicants which identify as Indigenous are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applicants to this project must be members in good standing and be prepared to commit to the entire project, which involves curriculum writing and testing. We are looking for a team of four members from OSSTF/FEESO and preference will be given to applicants with a combination of the following:

  • Interest and/or experience in social justice, women’s issues, gender-based violence and aboriginal issues
  • Demonstrated excellent skills in curriculum writing
  • Knowledge of the issues surrounding gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and human trafficking
  • Lived experience, or identifies as a survivor of gender-based violence, exploitation
  • Commitment to the project until July 1, 2020
  • Teaching experience in a range of disciplines

Writers will be provided with some time release to develop appropriate materials for use in the high school curriculum. The writers will also be provided with professional support from the Educational Services and the Communication/Political Action Departments of OSSTF/FEESO.

Members must send current curriculum vitae (CV) together with the application, a covering letter and a letter of recommendation from their local Bargaining Unit president or District president.

Deadline for applications is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2019.

Successful applicants as determined by the Provincial Executive will be notified and provided with further details.

For further information, contact either Tracey Marshall or Peter Bates by phone 800-267-7867/416-751-8300 or by email tracey.marshall@osstf.ca or peter.bates@osstf.ca.

To learn more about White Ribbon visit www.whiteribbon.ca.

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