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Project Overseas 2020

Graphic: Image of the CTF International Program

Project Overseas is a joint endeavour of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) and its member organizations to support partners in developing countries as they co-plan and co- deliver professional learning to local educators.

This project is part of the CTF/FCE’s International and Social Justice Program, which focuses on teachers taking action for:

  • Teaching—Canadian teachers work with local teachers overseas to strengthen teacher competence
  • Teacher Organizations—The program assists overseas partner organizations as they strengthen their capacities to provide professional services to their members
  • Gender Equality—All Project Overseas address gender equality for teachers, assist in the development of girl-friendly school environments and work to eliminate school-related gender-based violence

OSSTF/FEESO will sponsor up to two (2) members to participate in Project Overseas 2020. Participants must be available for assignments during the month of July and meet a list of criteria set out by CTF/FCE.

Visit the Project Overseas web page to access the following documents:

  • Brochure
  • Information for Applicants
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Application Form

Members of OSSTF/FEESO interested in participating in Project Overseas must return their completed application form to Gary Fenn at Provincial Office by no later than Thursday, January 16, 2020.

For more information, please contact Gary Fenn at gary.fenn@osstf.ca or by phone at 416.751.8300/1.800.267.7867.

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