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OSSTF/FEESO Certification has moved to QECO

OSSTF/FEESO Certification has moved to QECO

You may recall that we posted an article online on June 24, 2019 to inform Teacher and Occasional Teacher members that OSSTF/FEESO Teacher Certification was in the process of moving to the offices of the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO). As of Monday, January 20, after conducting certification rating statements for members for more than 60 years, the OSSTF/FEESO Certification department has now officially transferred to QECO.

OSSTF/FEESO members will now be able to apply online at apps.qeco.on.ca. Any OSSTF/FEESO members who have submitted paper applications to OSSTF/FEESO since December 2019 are encouraged to go to the QECO website to register and then apply online. QECO will process your application in the order it was previously received in paper format.

Your documents will be uploaded and you will receive emails updating you on the progress of your file. Any documents, such as transcripts, that were sent to OSSTF/FEESO will not need to be sent again. Members who have an existing OSSTF/FEESO Certification rating do not need to apply for a new rating statement unless they are seeking a group change, or in the case of Group 4, seeking an approved degree allowance as per their collective agreement.

Members are encouraged to apply for rating statements and group changes as soon as possible, keeping in mind the deadlines that apply at their particular school board. QECO’s website and link to OSSTF/FEESO Certification applications can be found here. OSSTF/FEESO’s website is updated and directs members to QECO’s contact information for questions, information and online application forms.

For more information, contact QECO at 416 323 1969 or 1 800 385 1030, or visit their website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when we switch to QECO?
For now, OSSTF/FEESO members apply for OSSTF/FEESO rating statements through QECO’s website. Members will be advised and provided with more information when the collective agreement language has been ratified and OSSTF/FEESO Certification regulations cease to exist.

If I want to take a course, should I go by OSSTF/FEESO regulations or QECO regulations?
We cannot predict how long the transfer process will take, especially as collective agreement language would have to change in order for QECO ratings to take effect. In the meantime, we always encourage self-directed PD. If you want to take an AQ/ABQ course, base your decision on whether or not you are doing so out of interest or because of the requirement to move to a higher pay group or category, with the knowledge that change is coming.

Will I keep my current rating?
While negotiations have not yet determined language to guarantee your current rating statement, OSSTF/FEESO would not agree to any change that would negatively impact OSSTF/FEESO member certification ratings.

Will I need to apply for a QECO rating statement if I am already in Group 4?
Those members who have a Group 4 OSSTF/FEESO rating statement would not require a Category 4 QECO rating statement unless they are reapplying to have an additional graduate degree recognized for salary purposes, depending on their local collective agreement.

When is this happening?
As noted above, we cannot predict the timelines for the transfer to QECO to be complete. The final step will take place once collective agreements reflecting QECO language are ratified.

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