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Equity Advisory Workgroup—Call for members 2020

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The Equity Advisory Workgroup is a permanent advisory body to the Provincial Executive as well as the Equity Officer on reducing barriers to member participation and fostering equity and inclusion within OSSTF/FEESO.

The Provincial Executive is seeking seven Members-at-Large to serve on this workgroup. Members will be asked to indicate whether they would like to seek a one-year term, two-year term, or three-year term.

The workgroup expects to meet approximately four to five times per year. While time release as well as travel costs for all meetings are paid for by the Provincial Office, applicants should verify that they will be able to secure time release through their Bargaining Unit by contacting their local president. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all meetings will take place in a virtual setting until further notice.

  • Interested applicants should submit the application form [see below]

Applications can be submitted up to 4:00 p.m. September 16, 2020. Any questions can be addressed by email to the Equity Officer, Jenny Chen.

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