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OSSTF/FEESO statement on anti-Islamic hate crime in London, Ontario

Illustration of the silhouette of the London family

We grieve for the London, Ontario family who lost four family members in what police report as an unconscionable, deliberate, anti-Islamic hate crime on Sunday, June 6. Our thoughts are with their relatives, friends, colleagues and all others who are coping with the trauma caused by this devastating, senseless act of violence.

OSSTF/FEESO joins all voices that are demanding a fulsome investigation into this hateful act and for action against Islamophobia.

All children and residents in Ontario have a right to live, learn, and prosper in a society free from the destructive effects of hate and violence. OSSTF/FEESO calls on all members to reject and denounce the destructive effects of Islamophobia, hatred and all other forms of discrimination in our communities.

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