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Comparing the platforms of the parties to OSSTF/FEESO’s Education Platform

OSSTF Platform. Colorful leaf

OSSTF/FEESO’s education platform, Strengthen Public Education – Rebuild Ontario, centres publicly-funded education as a key component in the rebuilding of the province post-pandemic. It recognizes the value of publicly-funded education in the development of strong, healthy, and equitable communities.

Earlier this year, member of the Communications/Political Action department of OSSTF/FEESO met with representatives of the Green, Liberal, and New Democratic parties to walk them through our platform and to encourage them to make publicly-funded education an election issue. Our advocacy has been successful, and as the attached comparison chart details, some of the parties have embraced key components of our platform in their own education and election messaging.

This document serves as a summary of key elements of the party platforms that address OSSTF/FEESO’s identified priorities for the future of publicly-funded education and our communities. The chart references election platform documents from the Green, Liberal, and New Democratic parties, and cites the Progressive Conservative budget document, as at the time of publication, no PC election platform documents have been published.

What is clear from the document is that our votes and our voices will make a difference on June 2. It’s time to elect an education-friendly government and it’s time to have our say in the future of Ontario. The upcoming provincial election provides us with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen public education and create a more equitable and prosperous future for Ontario as we recover from the pandemic.

OSSTF/FEESO urges all Members to Vote, Volunteer, and Donate to help protect publicly-funded education. Find our more about our election platform and about how you can become engaged in this election by visiting our Election Readiness page. There you will find resources and tools to help you do your part to strengthen public education and rebuild Ontario.


Comparing the Parties and Education Platform

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