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HOLD THE DATE: Enough is Enough Campaign Kickoff, January 28, 2023

ofl enough is enough Jan 2023 fists raised in protest

On Saturday, January 28, 2023 the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) is launching Enough is Enough: a campaign to fight the cost-of-living crisis in Ontario. In Ford’s Ontario, public services are being underfunded and attacked and our health care system is on the verge of collapse. No government that claims to be for “the people” would force the people living in Ontario to choose between paying rent or having enough to eat.  The cost-of-living has skyrocketed and wages are steadily falling behind. These are catastrophic times for anyone living in this province and it is only going to get harder.

That is why OSSTF/FEESO members, along with working people across Ontario, are encouraged to support the OFL’s  Enough is Enough campaign.  Let’s join a province-wide movement that will lead to mass mobilization in various regions across the province in June 2023, for the one-year anniversary of the Ford government’s re-election. Register for the on-line campaign kick-off today by visiting – https://ofl.ca/event/eie-kickoff/.

January 28, 2023 is the campaign kickoff day. This online organizing gathering will focus on strategizing, skills-building, and planning with a goal of over one thousand union and non-union workers, activists, and community members in attendance.

At the Enough is Enough Campaign Kickoff, the OFL, its affiliate unions and allies come together and:

  • Launch the campaign logo, website, tools, and key messaging;
  • Establish a mobilization roadmap for the coming months;
  • Discuss key issues facing Ontario workers and their families;
  • Join regional break-out groups to develop an organizing plan and launch Enough is Enough organizing committees in communities across Ontario, and
  • Develop skills to recruit more people to our cause using campaign tools and materials.


All OSSTF/FEESO members are encouraged to hold Saturday, January 28 in your calendars.


When OSSTF/FEESO members and workers from all sectors fight together, we win. Let’s fight for the Ontario we need!

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