OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Account #2085 – Advancing Human Rights Special District Programs
2085 may seem like a simple number unless you are a Human Rights Committee Chair. This number opens a world of possibilities for Districts interested in advancing human rights programs in their locals. Thanks to Provincial funding from account #2085, District 17 Simcoe was able to offer our members free admission to the award-winning performance of, The Spirit of Harriet Tubman.
The application process for account #2085 is simple. Once our application was submitted and approved, our original plan grew into a partnership with Innisdale Secondary in Barrie. This allowed us to deliver two performances. One performance during the school day for the students and again in the evening for OSSTF/FEESO Members.
This performance was an incredible glimpse into the life of Harriet Tubman, a Black woman who helped 300 enslaved people on their journey to freedom through the Underground Railroad.
Leslie McCurdy was brilliant as the writer and actor of Harriet’s story. She moved her audience through a narrative built on historical accounts and songs. Rave reviews came back from both groups.
I highly recommend that Human Rights Chairs take advantage of this funding line and form unique partnerships to bring awareness to their communities on human rights issues. District 17 will certainly do so again.
Donna Beischlag is the Human Rights Committee Chair of District 17 Simcoe
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