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JUMP Math Financial Literacy Resource


JUMP Math is a charitable organization whose mission is to help all students succeed in math by closing gaps in their math skills.

JUMP Math has created a Financial Literacy resource to support grades 4-9 teachers and students with teaching and learning the new Financial Literacy strand of the Ontario Mathematics Curriculum through their new, free Financial Literacy Support Platform.

Created with funding from the Government of Ontario, this bilingual and fully accessible online platform contains essential Financial Literacy resources, including on-demand webinars providing instructional support across all grades, complete digital lesson plans, student exercises and activities, and a dashboard to help teachers monitor and assess student progress through the exercises in real-time.

Teachers can sign up to access the Financial Literacy Support Platform at:

EN: https://www.LearnFinancialLit.org

FR: https://www.ApprendreLaLittFinanciere.org

Additional grades 1-8 Financial Literacy lesson plans are available in English only in the free Resource Centre of the JUMP Math website.

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