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2023 Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) Women’s Symposium – A Window on Our Worlds (May 17 – May 19, 2023)

Group of women

The CTF/FCE Women’s Symposium gathers leaders, staff, and members who identify as women from Member and Associate Organizations (approximately 150 attendees). This event provides a unique opportunity for participants to connect and engage in discussions on what hinders women’s advancement and to gain the knowledge needed to make fundamental changes in the education sector and society.

The 2023 CTF/FCE Women’s Symposium will be held from May 17 to 19 in Ottawa.

The theme, “A Window on Our Worlds,” will explore topics that impact the growth of women in their worlds and the world at large, such as leadership, career advancement, workplace equity and inclusion, work-life balance, challenges, and opportunities, and much more. Attendees can network and share practical tips, and innovative strategies.

OSSTF/FEESO is opening thirteen (13) registrations for Members of OSSTF/FEESO who identify as women. These registration spots will be on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be given once District/Bargaining Unit approval has been received by Provincial Office staff.

The approximate cost for attendees is $2,000. Members selected to participate will be able to access funding support in two ways:

  • An application to Account 2015 – Union/Health and Safety Training Programs by the participant’s District or Bargaining Unit.
  • A cost-shared subsidy between the Provincial Office and the participant’s District or Bargaining Unit. Provincial Office will match costs to the District or Bargaining Unit up to a maximum of $1,000 per participant.

OSSTF/FEESO Members who identify as women interested in this opportunity are required to email Tracey.Marshall@osstf.ca to indicate their expression of interest, along with confirmation of approval from their District or Bargaining Unit President.

Expressions of interest are due to Provincial Office by Wednesday, March 22. Provincial Office will register approved delegates, and arrange transportation, and accommodations as needed.

For more information, please contact Tracey.Marshall@osstf.ca.

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