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Joint Letter to the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan in Support of Windsor Salt Workers

protest signs strike

On June 20, 2023, OSSTF/FEESO sent a joint letter with our Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) affiliates to the President of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) to express our concerns regarding a very distressing situation involving American-based company, Stone Canyon Industries Holdings (SCIH), the parent company of Windsor Salt.

Unifor Local 240 represents the office workers and Local 1959 represents workers at the Ojibway Mine and a separate unit at the evaporation processing fields. They are striking because their employer is involved in union busting, through a variety of structural changes including outsourcing their work and limiting union participation in the workplace. OSSTF/FEESO asked OTPP to join the Education Affiliates in publicly reaffirming a commitment to free and fair collective bargaining, as Windsor Salt workers strive to reach a collective agreement that is fair, equitable, and respectful of their rights.

Members can find more information and ways to support Unifor Local 1959 and Unifor Local 240 workers by going to Strike at Windsor Salt.

For more information, please contact Vanessa.Stoby@osstf.ca.

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