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OSSTF/FEESO Awards for Members – *New Award* The Addressing Anti-Black Racism/Racism Committee – The Racial Justice Agent of Change Award

The Racial Justice Agent of Change Award recognizes an OSSTF/FEESO member, Bargaining Unit, or District who has contributed significantly to community building, outreach and advocacy, teaching and/or training relating to issues relevant to Black and racialized members. This contribution includes notable organizing efforts to dismantle anti-Black racism and racism while addressing systemic material and societal inequities that disproportionally affect Black and racialized members and communities.

Selection Criteria

The Provincial Addressing Anti-Black Racism/Racism Committee will consider the nominee to meet the following criteria:

  • Shows evidence of community building, outreach and advocacy, teaching and/or training relating to issues relevant to Black and racialized members.
  • Shows evidence of anti-racist dedication and leadership within OSSTF/FEESO locally and/or provincially.
  • Strong advocate for social justice and anti-racist policy and practice within the Federation.

Nomination Form

Nominator’s Reflective Questions to Help Complete the Racial Justice Agent of Change Award Application

Please visit the provincial website’s OSSTF/FEESO Awards of Recognition for Members page for more information.

The application deadline is no later than Monday April 15, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Please submit your applications to Jennifer.Seif@osstf.ca.

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