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Teach Math? Take a survey and earn $20


The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) is pleased to continue supporting innovative research in support of public education and our members’ professional practice. Therefore, we encourage eligible members to consider participating in a new study led by McGill University researcher Nikki Lobczowski.

Dr. Lobczowski and the Collaborative Regulation of Emotions and Adaptive Technologies for Education (CREATE) Research Lab at McGill’s Faculty of Education seek volunteers to participate in a paid research study. This study aims to understand more about how (and why) teachers use technologies when teaching secondary mathematics. They are recruiting 100 high school math teachers from across Canada to complete a questionnaire about technology integration.

Participants must be secondary math teachers in Canada, but extensive use of instructional technologies is not required. All qualified participants will receive $20 for completing the questionnaire, which should take around one hour to complete. To complete the survey, please click this link. (English only)

If you have any questions about the study, please contact Nikki.Lobczowski@mcgill.ca.

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