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Toronto Caribbean Carnival 2024

The Toronto Caribbean Carnival is once again hosting its annual celebrations in Toronto from June 15 to August 4, 2024, and OSSTF/FEESO is a proud sponsor for this year’s festivities.

The Toronto Caribbean Carnival has been held in Toronto for decades and was previously known as “Caribana.” The first celebration dates back to 1967 as part of the celebration of the existence of the Canadian Caribbean community in Canada since its founding.

This year’s Toronto Caribbean Carnival will welcome millions of Ontarians and international attendees to one of the largest celebrations of Caribbean arts and culture in North America. For more information on its history, please click HERE.

OSSTF/FEESO will participate in a few activities, during which we seek to engage parents, youth and community members at large on public education and build a vision of what can be an inclusive public education system for all those in Ontario.

We are looking for volunteers to assist us in conversing with attendees at the Junior Carnival, which will take place on July 20, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. OSSTF/FEESO will have a booth, will be handing out free swag to the public, and wants members to share their personal narratives about the current state of public education from the front lines and listen closely to parents and students about what they want to see for Ontario’s education system.

We encourage Districts and their members to attend this festival and end their visit by volunteering to serve as an OSSTF/FEESO ambassador. For those interested in attending the Carnival, please email Munib Sajjad, Provincial Organizer in the Communications and Political Action department, at munib.sajjad@osstf.ca.

For more information, please visit the Toronto Caribbean Carnival website.



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