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Early provincial election represents an opportunity for change—let’s get out the vote!

After months of speculation and hints from the Ford government and Progressive Conservative Party strategists, the guessing has ended. Ontario voters will go to the polls on February 27, 2025. The clock is ticking! We have less than five weeks to act and elect a new provincial government.

There is a lot at stake in this election. After two terms with sizeable majority governments, the Ford government has reminded teachers and education workers time and time again of the direct effects a government in Ontario has on public education and their daily lives. From cuts to funding to misaligned ministerial priorities to the significant challenges we face in terms of collective bargaining—all these things are affected by the policies and disposition of the government at Queen’s Park.

Life has worsened for most people living in Ontario since the Ford government first took office in 2018.  Affordability issues, inadequate access to public health care, cuts to public services, scandals, repeated attacks on workers’ rights, and spending on spas and booze boondoggles rather than supporting the people. The list of policies, laws, and decisions implemented by the Ford Conservative government since 2018 can be found using the Ontario Federation of Labour’s Ford Tracker—https://ofl.ca/ford-tracker/.

Fortunately, for Ontario voters, an early election represents an incredible opportunity to vote for change on February 27, 2025!  We must do what we can to ensure OSSTF/FEESO members are aware of and understand the importance of voting for candidates and a government that will prioritize better schools and campuses and stronger communities.

Better is possible. Let’s work together at every level and with as many coalition groups as possible to vote for those who seek to improve public education, enhance public services, and prioritize policies and investments that will strengthen communities across the province.

Key Dates

January 29 -Start of the 28-day provincial election campaign period, aka the “writ”
January 30 Voting begins in person at your electoral  has been called

-Apply to vote by mail

February 27 -Election Day

Take Action

  1. Get to know your candidates and party platforms
    Green Party of Ontario—https://gpo.ca/find-candidate/
    Ontario Liberal Party—https://ontarioliberal.ca/candidates/
    Ontario New Democratic Party—https://www.ontariondp.ca/candidates
    Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario—https://ontariopc.ca/
  1. Get out the vote—“Me Plus 3”
  • Prepare to vote—Search the Registerto confirm, update, add or remove your voter information
  • Take advantage of early voting options—learn more
    • Advance voting locations
    • Vote before election day at your local election office
    • Vote by mail
    • Vote by home visit
  • Encourage others to vote
  • Volunteer for your local candidate/riding association
  1. Engage in the local OSSTF/FEESO District, Bargaining Unit, or Active Retired Member (ARM) Chapter election readiness strategy


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