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Employee recognition

graphic of years services medallions

Years of service awards were bestowed upon seven OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Office employees for their length of service and loyalty to the Federation. On September 12, the following were honoured for reaching these meritable milestones: Mary-Lu Brennan, Sabrina Chiu, Pierre Côté and Mona Resulto—20 years; Tanya La Rush—25 years; Win Hum—30 years; and Carla Downie—35 years.

Congratulations and thank you to all!

(Top l-r) Mary-Lu Brennan, Pierre Côté and Mona Resulto—20 years (Bottom l-r) Tanya La Rush—25 years; Win Hum—30 years; and Carla Downie—35 years (Absent: 20 Years of Service recipient Sabrina Chiu)


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