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Ontario College of Teachers: Their Mortgage or Yours?

Ontario College of Teachers logo

The Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) is expected to propose a member fee increase of almost 20 per cent for each of the next three years. While details of the College’s proposed budget for 2018 are not yet available, it is believed that the chief rationale for the fee hike is the College’s desire to pay off the mortgage on its office building in Toronto’s Yorkville area. The 2018 budget will be debated and voted on at a meeting of OCT’s Governing Council on December 7–8, 2017.

OSSTF/FEESO has expressed concerns in the past about the ways in which the College spends the fees collected from Federation members and the members of other teacher affiliates. From lobbying the government to increase the scope of its mandate, to attending political fundraising events, and even hosting wine and cheese events and golf tournaments, the College has habitually engaged in activities well outside its original mandate as a regulatory body. OSSTF/FEESO will be watching closely to see how the College’s budget deliberations impact our members.

7 Comments on Ontario College of Teachers: Their Mortgage or Yours?

  1. Anne Lowthian // November 20, 2017 at 7:12 pm // Reply

    Why can’t OCT rent like everybody else? Are we sure it is a great investment with the real estate bubble burst expected in TO and Vancouver? Why should one segment of teachers pay for equity enjoyed after they retire, and what of the impact of increased (mandatory) fees to educators? What supports or benefits does this costly investment provide exactly to students or educators or Ontario families? Sounds like the hydro debt retirement charge, placed on a never-never plan, yet even the lowest paid Hydro employee makes more than a teacher (on average) – and they don’t have to buy all their own equipment and gear for the job. Doesn’t seem fair to already beleaguered educators. Kinda insenstive (lacking empathy) isn’t it?

  2. Josh Mansker // November 24, 2017 at 8:55 am // Reply

    Why on earth do you have an office in Yorkville? You represent the entire province of Ontario. Surely you can find cheaper office space… Do you really need to be in the same building as Rolex, next door to Dolce & Gabbana?

  3. Michelle Breier // December 1, 2017 at 6:44 pm // Reply

    Having the OCT office downtown Toronto is a waste of money. Why not move to a more economical location?

  4. Any increase in fees for any OCT members is unacceptable.

  5. I am very concerned about the expense of maintaining the OCT in its present situation, in one of the highest cost real estate pockets in the entire province. I understand why they might want to be in Toronto (near the Ministry of Education, etc.) but do they need to be in Yorkville?!? Why should teachers have to pay for this extravagance? Is it worth jacking up our rates to have a posh address? I do not think so!

  6. David Pearce // December 2, 2017 at 3:42 pm // Reply

    I would greatly appreciate our fees not increasing over the next 3 years. What am I getting out of this increased fee charge to me? I have never stepped foot in the OCT building and do not foresee me ever doing so in the near future. Teachers were not given the opportunity to have a say in the new OCT office building in the first place. It was your decision alone and you should be using what you already charge us for fees to pay it off. Stick to your original plan and pay off the mortgage over whatever X number of years you took out the mortgage.

  7. Danny devine // December 3, 2017 at 10:42 pm // Reply

    Why do we need to have our building in an expensive Area? Relocate to a cheaper facility. Don’t hurt teachers and make us pay more. Just not right!

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