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Judicial Council and Mediation Services Resource Bank looking to fill vacancies

Graphic of a chair with the words we need you

OSSTF/FEESO recently released two District/Bargaining Unit Memos (D/BUs) advertising vacancies on Judicial Council and within the Mediation Services Resource Bank. Involvement in Federation workgroups, committees, councils, and service banks can be an excellent way to engage in the work of OSSTF/FEESO beyond your District or Bargaining Unit. Members selected to these positions gain a variety of experience and are provided with training that will expand their capacity as members of the organization. Specific details about the qualifications and requirements for each of the openings are available in the D/BU Memos. Members can access all “All Member” D/BUs by logging into the myOSSTF section of the provincial website and selecting “D/BU Memos” at the top of the page. Below is a summary of the vacancies and application details:

Judicial Council (JC) is a body tasked with determining if there has been a violation of the Provincial Constitution and Bylaws by a Member. As outlined in Bylaw 6, some of the areas that JC deals with are members violating sanctions/crossing picket lines during the negotiation of collective agreements, members making adverse reports to employers about other members, releasing information and breaking confidentiality of meetings, etc.

The Provincial Executive is seeking to fill three (3) vacancies on the OSSTF/FEESO Judicial Council. The JC members selected for appointment by the Provincial Executive will serve a five (5) year term beginning July 1, 2019. JC members can concurrently serve on other OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Standing Committees or Councils.

Interested candidates are to submit the following documents to Rob Dubyk, Secretariat Liaison to Judicial Council, via mail (60 Mobile Drive, Toronto, ON M4A 2P3), fax (416-751-7079), or email (rob.dubyk@osstf.ca), by 4:00 p.m. Friday, June 7, 2019:

  1. A letter of application outlining their suitability for the position; and
  2. The name and contact information of two (2) OSSTF/FEESO members, of which one must be in a leadership role at the Bargaining Unit, District, and/or provincial level, who may be contacted as a reference as part of the selection process.

Mediation Services Resource Bank (MSRB) provides mediation and conflict resolution services to members who are in conflict with one another. It consists of members who volunteer their time to conduct workplace mediations across the province.

The Provincial Executive is seeking to fill a vacancy on the Mediation Services Resource Bank. Ideal candidates will have an interest, experience and/or training in addressing workplace conflict. Successful candidates will receive the training necessary to conduct mediations.

Interested candidates are to submit the following documents to Randy Banderob, Secretariat Liaison to the Mediation Services Resource Bank, via mail (60 Mobile Drive, Toronto, ON M4A 2P3), fax (416-751-7079), or email (randy.banderob@osstf.ca) by 4:00 p.m. Friday, May 31, 2019:

  1. a letter of application describing your interest and experience in mediation and conflict resolution;
  2. a resume or curriculum vitae; and
  3. a letter of reference from an elected/appointed OSSTF/FEESO District/Bargaining Unit Representative.

OSSTF/FEESO values the participation of members with different voices from lived experiences. We recognize that the selection of candidates for federation positions from members of equity seeking groups is an asset. Self-identification of membership in equity seeking group(s) is voluntary. If you choose to self-identify, please note in your application any that apply to you:
Woman / Racialized Person / LGBTQ2SI / FNMI (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) / Person with a Disability / Francophone.

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