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Cartoon: College report card with F minus grades

In October, Update published an overview of the various professional colleges in which OSSTF/FEESO members may be required to maintain membership, depending on their job class. We are continuing our examination of professional colleges with “report cards” that highlight issues that create specific challenges for our members. In this edition, we look at the Ontario College of Teachers.

College: Ontario College of Teachers (OCT)
Date: May 2019
Evaluator: OSSTF/FEESO

4 Comments on OSSTF/FEESO Report Card—OCT

  1. Stacy Tomioika // June 4, 2019 at 10:23 am // Reply

    The OCT makes these feelings clear (that they are a regulatory body to protect the public from teachers) when you contact them. I recently inquired why female teachers had to have their full names including maiden names posted on the OCT site even when the teacher had never taught under that maiden name. This seemed like an invasion of privacy and a security worry specific to female teachers.
    I expressed my concerns that through the OCT and other social media of a school it is quite easy to know exactly where a woman is from 9-3 every day. I stated that including her full name history (when unrelated to teaching) seemed unnecessary. I was told this was to give the public full access to who was teaching their kids. I don’t believe other public servants are required to disclose so much information so publicly. When I stated that I thought this put some women in danger, I was asked why I was concerned if I wasn’t in danger.
    I explained that I had the energy to inquire about this because I wasn’t in danger and therefore had the strength to make that call. I was then told of the complicated process to remove a name (it costs money and requires visiting past and present employers).
    Have no doubt as to who the OCT represents and supports–it is not female teachers.

  2. Have you visited the offices on the “mink mile” Bloor Street, Toronto ? Shocking. Like a 5 star hotel lobby on the main floor, on the MOST expensive street in the country. How many floors do they rent ? Is it 7?? There are other rentable buildings close to the subway for convenience.

  3. M.H.Woolley // June 4, 2019 at 1:31 pm // Reply

    There never was any need for OCTThe federations that were in place before took care of all that was needed w.r.t. oversight, regulations ,standards and qualifications. now the best that can happen is for it to be taken over by the pre-existing federations and thus create what our present Queens Park occupiers so keenly espouse ; a”greater efficiency by amalgamation”.

  4. Jeff Jarvis // June 4, 2019 at 8:19 pm // Reply

    agree with this analysis completely. The original mandate was flawed and the corruption of the OCT was inevitable. A new oversight mechanism with teeth is badly needed.

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