EGALE National Survey on Dating Violence within the LGBTQI2S Community
Speak OUT is a five-year, three-phase project addressing youth dating violence within the LGBTQI2S community. This project aims to find answers about youth experiences of dating violence within the LGBTQI2S community, and to inform a youth-directed intervention program pilot.
Within this project, Egale is conducting a national survey about the personal experiences LGBTQI2S youth, ages 14 to 24, with dating violence, healthy relationships, and support services. The survey is being done in partnership with the University of Manitoba and will result in a comprehensive report. The results of this survey will help inform policy decisions and programming options to combat gender based violence, and will provide insight into our understanding of the unique contexts in which LGBTQI2S youth experience dating violence.
The survey is live now and, as part of our ongoing equity strategy, OSSTF/FEESO is encouraging members to share it as part of their equity, health and physical education curriculum, and any other suitable curriculum channels, in order to reach those young people who can complete the survey. The survey closes March 2020.
Access the EGALE survey here.
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