Asserting our presence at the CECE
In spring of 2019, the Provincial Executive approved a plan for increased presence at the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE) Council meetings for the 2019–2020 school year. So far this year, members from the field have joined staff at two Council meetings and the Annual Meeting of Members. The members of Council are beginning to adjust from the previous one or two observers at their meetings to the ten or fifteen who now attend. While the Annual Meeting was made less palatable by the playing of a video greeting from Minister of Education Stephen Lecce, many Council members made themselves available for discussion with OSSTF/FEESO members following the meeting stating that it was “nice to see actual practicing ECEs.” Two meetings remain before full assessment of this plan, but the following comments from members speak to their experiences to date:
“I was not happy that they compared our ‘professional learning’ to a doctor’s professional learning…It was nice to see the ECE council member stand up to the member from the public when discussing discipline RE: CPL (Continuous Professional Learning), and the need for there to be more education about the requirements and expectations. I would say that, overall, that is the biggest issue that I have heard about CPL, the ‘what exactly do you want me to do’.”
—Cody Campbell, District 25, Ottawa-Carleton“The one true thing that stuck to me and left a horrible, sour taste in my mouth was the presentation of Lecce’s video. I feel that by showing this video, we have allowed a wolf into our pack of strong, devoted and powerful educators.”
—Angèle Liefso, District 31, Franco-Nord Ontarien“I was so excited for this opportunity and can’t thank you enough. Now, more than ever, I recognize how important it is for the College to know we are there, that we want to know more, and that they should not be able to hide behind closed doors. It has made me eager to find out more and learn more about it as well…I believe that is a great start.”
—Amanda Zinger-Hornick, District 18, Upper Grand
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