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Distance-Learning Advisory Work Group

Illustration: 5 people sitting at separate tables with dashed lines connecting them.

OSSTF/FEESO believes that we have, within our membership, the expertise to help lead the discussions regarding distance-learning solutions for our students during the current period of school closures.

In order to tap into that expertise, the Provincial Executive is creating a distance-learning advisory work group made up of ten (10) front-line members with knowledge and experience in innovative approaches to curriculum delivery. The work group will provide advice to the Provincial Executive on the development of a Continuous Learning strategy that could be proposed to the Ministry of Education for implementation while schools are closed. The work group will have representation from a cross section of subject areas, including special education and adult education.

Work Group members will be expected to participate in virtual meetings/teleconferences.

Bargaining Unit leaders are asked to recommend members with expertise in the delivery/development of curriculum in any of the following areas:

  • Special Education
  • Adult Education
  • On-line and/or distance learning in a specific subject area (e.g. Math, English, Arts, Science)

We are also looking for PSSP members with mental health expertise.

This call will also be posted to OSSTF/FEESO’s social media accounts. Interested members will be asked to contact their local presidents.

Presidents should reach out to members whom they believe would provide the necessary expertise, and also to consider members who “self-apply.”

Recommendations for the Work Group will be made to Provincial Office by local Bargaining Unit presidents by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, March 30.

2 Comments on Distance-Learning Advisory Work Group

  1. Jeannie Hunter // March 27, 2020 at 7:38 pm // Reply

    I would be interested in working with and for other music teachers.

    • Michael Young // March 30, 2020 at 1:22 pm // Reply

      If you’re interested in participating in this Work Group, you will need to contact your local president today (Monday, March 30).

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