OSSTF/FEESO condemns all acts of anti-Black hate, racism and discrimination

In recent weeks, as a number of horrific incidents have come to light, the world’s attention has been drawn to the scourge of widespread systemic anti-Black racism. On June 1, OSSTF/FEESO issued the statement below. OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Council, at its meeting on June 5, voted to donate $10,000 to Black Lives Matter.
The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) offers our solidarity with the Black members we represent, students we work with, as well as staff members who work for the union. We condemn all acts of anti-Black hate, racism and discrimination.
The outrage, fear and pain that many in the Black community are experiencing because you do not feel safe, is clear. As an education and labour community, we must stand together and speak up when people are facing violence and discrimination because of their skin colour.
As an organization, we reaffirm our commitment to end anti-Black oppressions. We will continue to work to identify and address systemic discrimination and racism in publicly-funded education. We will continue to create space for these conversations to take place in our union and in our communities.
We will listen. We will learn. We will act. We must do our part in the work for racial justice and equality.
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