QECO teacher certification
After more than 60 years of developing and administering OSSTF/FEESO certification regulations, these regulations are no longer used to determine the certification group rating of OSSTF/FEESO teacher/occasional teacher members.
Upon ratification of the central agreement in May 2020, school boards will recognize the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO) as the provider of new qualification rating statements. In moving to the QECO certification process, the following principles will be in place:
- Notwithstanding, existing OSSTF/FEESO Certification Rating Statements will continue to be recognized, unless or until a QECO statement has been provided.
- Deadlines and processes for submitting a rating statement to the employer will continue to be governed by the local collective agreement. All new rating statements will be issued using the QECO evaluation process.
- The most current QECO program will be utilized. Notwithstanding, no teacher or occasional teacher will be negatively impacted by any changes to the certification program, and previous pathways provided to move to the next group will be honoured.
What this means for OSSTF/FEESO members is that their current group rating will remain in effect until such time as a new rating statement is required to move up to a higher category. OSSTF/FEESO Group 4 = QECO Category A4, so members who are already in Group 4 will not require a QECO statement unless seeking an additional degree allowance, if their local agreement has such language.
Members who require a new rating statement should register and apply for a QECO certification rating statement or re-evaluation through QECO’s online application form. If members have recently applied for a rating statement, there is no further action to take unless you hear otherwise from QECO. Members who were provided pathways to move to the next OSSTF/FEESO Group are advised to communicate with QECO to determine whether or not there are additional pathways available to reach a higher QECO category.
QECO’s website and link to registration and online application forms can be found here. The OSSTF/FEESO website directs members to QECO’s contact information for questions, information and online application forms. If you have questions about QECO’s application process, or your rating status, please visit the QECO website or email info@qeco.on.ca for more information.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found on the OSSTF/FEESO Certification homepage.
And remember to submit any change in status to your employer as soon as you receive your new rating resulting in movement on the pay grid: It is the member’s responsibility to inform their employer of any change in rating.
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