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Call for team members—Black People in Canada Curriculum Resource

An illustration of a variety of Black people walking together

The Provincial Executive is looking for active members who would be interested in participating in this curriculum resource support development. Chosen team members will work in collaboration with OSSTF/FEESO staff to develop these supports for members.

Applicants to this project must be members in good standing and be prepared to commit to the entire project, which involves writing, seeking feedback and editing. We are looking for a team of up to 4 members from OSSTF/FEESO and preference will be given to applicants with a combination of the following:

  • Interest and/or qualifications in history of Black people in Canada
  • Demonstrated excellent skills in curriculum/resource support writing
  • Knowledge of the issues surrounding the history of Black people in Canada
  • Lived experience
  • Commitment to the project until August 2021
  • Educator experience in a range of disciplines

Team members will be provided with some time release to develop appropriate materials for use in the high school curriculum. The writers will also be provided with professional support from the assigned provincial OSSTF/FEESO staff.

Completed applications must include:

  1. Submitted application form for Call for team members—Black People in Canada Curriculum Resource [see below]
  2. Applicant’s current curriculum vitae (CV)
  3. Two letters of recommendation (1 from local Bargaining Unit president or District president + 1 other)

Applications can be submitted up to 4:00 p.m. October 9, 2020. Any questions can be addressed to Rosemary Judd-Archer.

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