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Ontario College of Teachers “Professionally Speaking” cover photo demonizes educators

Photo of OCT name on the outside of its building

The cover of the recent issue of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) publication—Professionally Speaking, portrays educators as predators.

Everyone who works in education should be outraged at the insinuation of the OCT, which disparages our members. OSSTF/FEESO believes in upholding professional standards at all times and in accordance with all legislation governing the profession. But the OCT’s depiction on the cover of its recent issue of Professionally Speaking is anything but professional, all the more so when educators are the glue holding an under-resourced system together in the midst of a global health crisis. 

Instead of acting on behalf of the interests of all in education, OCT has chosen to single out teachers as sexual predators. The cover image is not only misleading, it is potentially triggering for victims of abuse. This is unacceptable especially when they could have chosen to depict one of the millions of positive interactions that occur in Ontario’s publicly-funded education system on a daily basis. 

OSSTF/FEESO is monitoring the situation and further communication will be shared in the near future.

5 Comments on Ontario College of Teachers “Professionally Speaking” cover photo demonizes educators

  1. I agree %100! I found this both triggering and outrageous. The level of ignorance and disrespect from an institution that is financed by teachers, and is meant to represent us, is disgusting to say the least. I believe it should be dealt with in the utmost serious regard.

  2. Melanie Douglas // November 24, 2020 at 1:13 pm // Reply

    Thank you for responding so swiftly and decisively to this awful depiction of educators.

  3. I found the cover to be distasteful, disgusting disgusting and insulting. Whoever approved it should be fired. How dare the College allow such a horrible cover picture that portrays men as predators. If I could cancel my subscription, I would.

  4. Kathy Wasylenky // November 24, 2020 at 9:46 pm // Reply

    How do I opt out of a hard copy of the magazine? I am fine with an e-copy. Also, I object to the cover of the latest magazine- alluding that teachers are predators. We need support, not degradation right now.

  5. The response above is exactly what my husband, who is a secondary school teacher, said when he saw it. I have to agree, what were they thinking…

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