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WSIB Claims during COVID-19

Image with the lettering WSIB repeated in green and yellow colours

While COVID-19 has changed many things in our world, the process for reporting to the WSIB and making claims under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA) is not one of them.

If you have been exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace, or been told to self-isolate due to close contact with a COVID positive case, visit wsib.ca and fill out the Workers’ Exposure Incident Form (form 3958A).

Make sure you submit the form to the WSIB and keep a copy for your records.

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 after an exposure in the workplace, visit wsib.ca and complete WSIB Form 6 (Worker Report of Injury/Disease).

You must submit Form 6 to the WSIB, send a copy to your employer, and you should keep a copy for yourself.

You should then visit your doctor and request that they submit your COVID-19 diagnosis, along with a completed WSIB Form 8.

The doctor must submit Form 8 to the WSIB and they should provide a copy to you for your records.

COVID-19 is an occupational illness when a worker contracts the disease because of exposure at the workplace and, therefore, WSIB benefits are available.

If you need assistance with finding the documents or completing the forms, speak with your local leader(s) who can also get assistance from their Protective Services field secretary as needed.

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