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Research study—Work, life and family in a pandemic survey

illustration depicting work life balance

As COVID-19 continues to put tremendous strains on our members, their families and their communities, OSSTF/FEESO continues to collaborate with researchers investigating how members are coping with the multiple, complex, and evolving challenges posed by the pandemic. The data gathered from these studies will help inform our advocacy on members’ behalf.

Currently, we are encouraging all members to participate in an online survey exploring how workers across multiple sectors—including public education—are balancing work and life responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study proposes to investigate how effectively workers occupying a range of occupations (i.e. police, nursing, management, essential services, etc.) in public, private and non-for-profit sectors are at balancing demands associated with their work, family and community responsibilities (particularly childcare and eldercare).

The study also seeks to identify: (1) how employers and unions can best support their employees during these difficult times, and (2) how employees can cope effectively with the challenges they face at work and at home.

The survey is available in both French and English and is open to all members. The survey will be live from January 6 to February 17, 2021.

Please distribute the survey links to all your members.

English survey

French survey

The results of this and related studies will be very useful to OSSTF/FEESO and will support our ongoing efforts to promote for safe working conditions for all members.

1 Comment on Research study—Work, life and family in a pandemic survey

  1. It will be interesting to see the results of the survey.

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