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OSSTF/FEESO Education Platform Consultations for 2022 Elections

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Ontario’s public education system is perhaps the province’s most important asset and the cornerstone of a strong society. OSSTF/FEESO members continue to dedicate their time and energy to protecting and enhancing that system, just as we have for over 100 years. Moreover, we believe it’s important for all of Ontario’s elected officials to have a similar commitment to ensuring that public education works for everyone.

We must do everything possible to elect an education-friendly provincial government, opposition, and school board trustees in 2022. The OSSTF/FEESO Education Platform Consultations for the 2022 provincial, municipal, and trustee elections are now open on our website here.

Members will need to login to the provincial website in order to access the platform consultation page.

This year’s education platform consultations will give every member the opportunity to submit education platform suggestions.

OSSTF/FEESO is aiming to produce a platform that will resonate with our members, parents/guardians, the public, and of course, the political parties. As outlined in the Strategic Action Plan, the goal is to support the election of an education-friendly government and an education-friendly opposition in the next provincial election. We also want to see education-friendly municipal and trustee representatives.

As a starting point, we have outlined four broad themes to help start the thought process of what you see as important to have in our education platform. Those themes are:

  • Equity and Anti-Oppression in Publicly-Funded Education
  • Learning Conditions for Students
  • Health and Safety
  • Supports and Services for Students

Members are invited to propose other broad themes that they think would be important to highlight and include in the platform.

The deadline for submission is April 9, 2021.

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