Your vote matters!

Our respective AGMs will soon be upon us in each of our Bargaining Units and Districts and it is crucial that you all take part in them. Your AGMs serve to establish the bylaws, constitution and policies and procedures that govern your Bargaining Unit and/or District. It is also an opportunity to elect your representatives and your executive. These people speak on all of your behalf, therefore, it is important to partake in their election. They are your voice! They are the elected members who negotiate your collective agreement with your employer and those who represent you at the OSSTF/FEESO Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly (AMPA). It is during this general meeting, AGM, that you can submit and propose changes which you necessary. You will also have an opportunity to have your voice heard and possibility seek election yourself for a position that interests you. You have received or will receive shortly your invitation from your local president, including all required document enabling you to nominate yourself. Go ahead, the ball is in your court. Hoping to see you at our AGM!
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