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Equity Mentorship Engagement 2021–2022

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The Equity Mentorship Program does not exist for the 2021–2022 year as the related motions did not make it to the floor of AMPA 2021. The Provincial Executive is committed to the continuation of this work and has found a way to proactively create opportunities to engage members of equity-seeking groups. As equity, diversity and inclusion is the work of the entire organization, OSSTF/FEESO will take this year to engage provincial committees/councils and advisory work groups in this work in a more direct way by having them offer to mentor members interested in their work.

  • Are you an OSSTF/FEESO member and a member of an equity-seeking group?
  • Are you interested in learning about different committees/councils/advisory work groups within OSSTF/FEESO and how they work?
  • Are you a member who hasn’t been on a provincial committee/council/advisory work group? (preference will be given to those who have never been on)
  • If so, complete/submit your expression of interest in the 2021–2022 Equity Mentorship Engagement that could provide you the opportunity to have a few meetings with a mentor in an area of your interest [see below]

In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians Act (OADA), OSSTF/FEESO strives to ensure that all application and questionnaire processes are non-discriminatory and barrier free. If you require an accommodation, please advise Rosemary Judd-Archer at a minimum of three days prior to the deadline of 4 p.m. October 14, 2021.

The deadline for applications is 4 p.m. October 14, 2021.

Brief Descriptions

Educational Services Committee
The mission of the Educational Services Committee (ESC) is to foster and promote the professional growth of OSSTF/FEESO members in order to enhance the quality of publicly-funded education in Ontario. ESC critically evaluates and researches educational issues thereby providing direction, information, skills, and resources to members and the community.

Comité des services en langue française
The CSLF is charged with advising the Provincial Executive, the Provincial Council and the Provincial Assembly on matters relating to the special needs of Francophone Members and Members who speak French as part of their role within OSSTF/FEESO and to French education.

Communications and Political Action Committee
The role of CPAC is to provide advice, assistance, training, support and resources to Districts/Bargaining Units regarding OSSTF/FEESO communications and political action.

Finance Committee
The role of the Finance Committee is to advise the Provincial Assembly, the Provincial Council and/or the Provincial Executive on all Federation financial matters including the management of OSSTF/FEESO funds, investments and properties, matters pertaining to District Funding, the impact of the Strategic Action Plan on the budget and amendments to the Financial Handbook, including the Expenditure Guidelines.

Health & Safety/Workplace Safety & Insurance Act Committee
HSWSIAC reviews and provides input and training to the Provincial Assembly, Provincial Council and/or the Provincial Executive as well as Districts, Health & Safety Officers and members on OSSTF/FEESO health and safety documents, Ministry of Labour bulletins, Ontario Labour Relations decisions and Workplace Safety Insurance Act Tribunal decisions.

Human Rights Committee
The role of the HRC is to recommend to the Provincial Executive ways to strengthen the development of human rights activism with our Federation, and within all the communities within which we interact.

Protective Services Committee
The role of the PSC is to serve OSSTF/FEESO as an expert committee and to advise the Provincial Executive and the protective Services Division on all matters relating to bargaining and implement of collective agreements.

Status of Women Committee
The SWC advocates for members who identify as women in their work to advise the Provincial Executive on the need for appropriate action with respect to developing trends, research, education programs as well as to provide Districts with assistance in establishing goals and directions for local Status of Women Committees.

Parliamentary and Constitution Council
The purpose of the Parliamentary and Constitution Council (PCC) is to help the Federation function as efficiently and effectively as possible. Both constitutional language and parliamentary procedure exist to ensure that proceedings are fair, clear, and accessible to all members.

Provincial Council
The Provincial Council is the legislative body of OSSTF/FEESO between Annual Meetings. As a result, it is responsible for determination of interim policy, authorization of expenditures as provided for in the bylaws, and the approval or disapproval of provincial action. As well, since Councillors represent individual districts, sectors and bargaining units, Provincial Council provides an important forum for the expression of district, sector and bargaining unit concerns and interests.

Black Persons and Persons of Colour Advisory Work Group
The Black Persons and Persons of Colour Advisory Work Group is an advisory body to the Provincial Executive to assist Federation in its work on reducing barriers to member participation and fostering equity and inclusion within OSSTF/FEESO.

Environmental Advisory Work Group
The purpose of the EAWG is to provide advice to the Provincial Executive on any matters related to environmental matters within the Federation.

Equity Advisory Work Group
The purpose of the Equity Advisory Work Group is to advise the Provincial Executive on any matters related to inclusion and equity within the Federation

Faculty of Education Advisory Work Group
Along with advising the Provincial Executive on various teacher education and accreditation issues, each FEAWG member represents one faculty of education and performs (among others) the following functions each year: organization of “Federation” days at faculties of education, sit as members on Teacher Education Liaison Committees at faculties of education, encourage student activism.

First Nations, Métis, Inuit Advisory Work Group
The role of the First Nations, Métis, Inuit Advisory Work Group is to offer advice to the Provincial Executive on several issues related to First Nations, Métis and Inuit education, and broader Indigenous issues affecting our Indigenous members, students, and communities.

New Member Engagement Advisory Work Group
The NMEAWG advises the Provincial Executive on any matters related to new member engagement. For the purpose of this group « new member » is defined as someone who has been an active OSSTF/FEESO member for eight years or less.

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