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Our Moment in Time—Student Achievement Awards 2021–2022

Detail of SAA poster

This year, the Student Achievement Awards in honour of Marion Drysdale, sponsored by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO), is proud to announce its 2021–2022 theme, Our Moment in Time.

Although the pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges and tremendous risk and hardship, many communities rallied and found ways to connect, and support those in need. The events of the past year have highlighted numerous flaws and gaps in critical public services and supports. As a result, many have begun the call for an evaluation of our priorities both at the individual and community level. Going back to the “way things were” doesn’t seem like an option, instead, more and more, people are coming to the realization that we must advocate for a new and improved way forward. The time has come for renewal, rebirth and reinvention.

Get inspired by this year’s theme of Our Moment in Time and create a piece of writing or work of art that explores the theme. (This could include, but is not limited to, a poem, short story, essay, lyrics, painting, drawing, sculpture etc.) We even have a category for digital productions such as videos and music. Share your creative vision with the world!

We have two new categories
This year, we have added two new categories for students to enter. They are non-credit categories for students, including adult learners. If you have any questions about which category to enter your work into, please email us and we will help you find the best fit.

The provincial winner from each of our eleven categories will receive a cash award of $1000.  Winners will be invited to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation Student Achievement Awards celebration. The Student Achievement Awards celebrate the work of OSSTF/FEESO members (teachers and education workers) and their students.

It is not too late to create something amazing! Schools must have their in-school winners chosen and sent to their local district office by Friday, November 19, 2021. District offices judge the submissions from all of their schools and send the winners to Provincial Office by Friday, December 3, 2021. Judging will occur in January 2021 at Provincial Office to choose regional and provincial winners.

This year, OSSTF/FEESO will be accepting digital and in-person entries. Check with your local District office for their preference of how they would like to receive your entry.

Learn more about the awards and which category you will enter.

For more information, please contact Tracey Marshall or at Provincial Office by calling 1-800-267-7867.

Please submit only original writing and artwork. Work that includes copyrighted material cannot be considered.

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