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OSSTF/FEESO Self-Identification Survey

OSSTF/FEESO Self-Identification Survey, Tell us who we are

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) is committed to continuously improving as a Federation, and one way we can achieve this is by understanding the composition of our membership.

On December 13, 2021, the OSSTF/FEESO Self-Identification Survey will be sent to all members in the December annual mailing. This survey is designed to collect demographic and job information about the entire membership. Members will have two options for submitting their survey responses:

  1. mailing their response using a postage-paid return envelope that is provided with the survey, or
  2. completing the survey online using the link and unique survey access code provided in the paper version of the survey.

This survey will take less than five minutes to complete. All active members are encouraged to complete the OSSTF/FEESO Self-Identification Survey.

By responding to the survey and telling us who we are, you will:

  • assist OSSTF/FEESO to gain an improved understanding of the composition of the membership;
  • strengthen our ability to represent and support members;
  • provide context for bargaining and pay equity
  • help the Federation understand how members are affected by changes in legislation that have an impact on particular demographic groups or job classes
  • better position provincial and local leaders to implement various strategies that will improve policies, procedures, and structures in a manner that will further democratize our union;
  • improve institutional and political practices;
  • prepare the Federation to be more responsive to the future needs of members.

As part of completing the survey, five random survey respondents will be chosen and awarded a prize of $100.00 if they completed and mailed the paper version of the survey, or a prize of $200 if they completed the survey online.

All results will be aggregated so that individuals cannot be identified and their anonymity is preserved. Participation in the survey is voluntary, and members may skip any questions they choose.

More information about the survey is available now on the Provincial website. Please visit www.osstf.on.ca/telluswhoweare for more detailed information on the survey.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact selfidsurvey@osstf.ca.

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