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National Boycott of Scandinavian Airlines called by the Canadian Labour Congress

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) has declared a national boycott of Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) Group.

In a letter sent to OSSTF/FEESO and other labour affiliates, the CLC said, “In Canada and around the world, the CLC condemns unacceptable corporate behaviour toward unions and working people, and will confront and resist intolerable management practices whenever it finds them.”

Accordingly, the CLC requested that all affiliates avoid booking travel through SAS and patronize alternative carriers until further notice.  The CLC continues to consult with its affiliate, the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) regarding regular updates and next steps.

In December, pilot union for SAS Group began the process of initiating legal proceedings against the company over a violation of the right to re-employment under Sweden’s labour laws.


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