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Ontario Alliance of Black School Educators (ONABSE) 2022 Virtual Provincial Conference—April 29–30, 2022

ONABSE will be hosting their 2022 Virtual Provincial Conference from Friday, April 29 to Saturday, April 30, 2022.

The theme for this year’s conference is Reimagining Education: Embedding Afro/Afri-Centric perspectives.

Members who sign up for this conference can apply to Account 2016—Anti-Racism and Equity Training for Members to have their conference fees reimbursed. Members are to submit their applications for Account 2016 funding through their local District Office. Districts who sign up for this conference can also apply to Account 2018 – Anti-Racism and Equity Training for the reimbursement of eligible expenses.

Members interested in attending the ONABSE virtual conference can register at ONABSE2022conference.eventbrite.ca.  If you have questions about the ONABSE conference, please contact conference@ONABSE.org.

ONABSE 2022 Virtual Provincial Conference Flyer

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