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National Day of Mourning – April 28, 2022

workers solidarity

The National Day of Mourning was first declared and observed by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) in 1984. The day is now observed in over 100 countries around the world.

Historically the National Day of Mourning, held annually on April 28, has been to honour and remember those who have died, were injured on the job, or who contracted an occupational illness. The day allows us, as an organization, to reaffirm our commitment to our members and all workers, and work towards preventing further workplace tragedies.

The theme for this year’s day as identified by the CLC is Work Shouldn’t Hurt: Make Health and Safety a Fundamental Principle and Right at Work

With the COVID-19 pandemic now in its sixth wave, OSSTF/FEESO continues to press for appropriate health and safety measures to protect education workers, and all workers, who are on the front lines in education and many other public services. We cannot be complacent. Complacency leads to inaction and preventable workplace illness, injury and death are the consequence. Now, more than ever we must remain vigilant and ensure that employers take all reasonable precautions to ensure our workplaces are safe – for all workers.

In light of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the CLC and local labour councils may still be considering plans for Day of Mourning activities. In-person events may not go forward in some cases but the Day of Mourning will be recognized. Please see the Workers Health and Safety Centre website at www.whsc.on.ca for information on events in your area.

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