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Campaign against workplace violence needed now, more than ever

graphic: end the silence stop the violence

OSSTF/FEESO launched a very effective campaign against workplace violence in 2016-2017 that culminated in a full-scale Lobby Day effort in March 2017 that exclusively focused on the issue. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted, once again, that workplace violence has reached epidemic proportions in our education system and OSSTF/FEESO is re-affirming our commitment to addressing the crisis. Our internal OSSTF/FEESO Violence Task Force has been re-activated and has met several times in 2021-2022 to update resources, review training materials, identify opportunities for member education, and raise awareness of the critical role members play in achieving our goal to End the Silence, Stop the Violence.

Over the next few months, OSSTF/FEESO will be updating resources, such as the protocol for how to deal with an assault in the workplace. Re-issuing some of the relevant End the Silence, Stop the Violence campaign materials. Reviewing education and training materials as well as identifying opportunities to provide education and training to members such as the New Member Engagement mini series, Union run PD days and at the Health and Safety/Workplace Safety and Insurance Act Committee (HS/WSIAC) regionals in May 2022.

While many of the resources on the OSSTF/FEESO website are still very relevant, the Violence Task Force will be working hard over the next few months to ensure appropriate updates occur and that the awareness of the resources and access to them, for our members, is front and centre.

Please visit https://www.osstf.on.ca/en-CA/services/violence-in-the-workplace-resources.aspx for current workplace violence resources and continue to check back regularly over the next several months for important updates.

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