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OSSTF/FEESO Supports Regularization for All Migrant and Undocumented People In Canada

Support migrants protests

Because of migrant organizing, Prime Minister Trudeau has instructed the federal Minister of Immigration to move ahead with a “regularization programme”, which means giving permanent resident status to undocumented migrants (people without a valid permit to live in Canada). Moreover, the Canadian Parliament has unanimously called for a plan to be abled to “allow workers of all skill levels permanent residency.”

OSSTF/FEESO has recently sent a letter to call on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as well as the Minister of Immigration to move with a regularization program for all migrants and undocumented people in Canada, which must include permanent residency for all.

This offers an historic opportunity to open the door to citizenship for all workers, including undocumented people. However, there are many forces, including big business lobbyists, pushing to make these programs as small and exclusionary as possible so that they can continue to profit from migrant worker precarity. Specifically, many forces want to restrict regularisation to just a few workers in certain industries, instead of including everyone.

This is a crucial moment for the Labour movement. Migrant workers with full and permanent status will be able to better defend themselves when facing exploitation at work. They will be able to join unions more easily and exploitative employers will be less able to pit workers against each other, and this will improve living and working conditions for all.

Add your name to the petition below, to insist that no one should be left behind. Petition Link:


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