We are looking for up to 5 Members to be a part of Common Threads VII, Human Movement (Displaced Persons).

Prior to applying through written submission, interested members should consider the following needs of this specific project:
- Research skills
- Writing skills
- Teamwork skills
- Experience (either lived or working/volunteering) with refugees/displaced persons
- Ability & willingness to travel (Ontario and/or Canada and/or international) summer 2023
- Fluency/ability with languages beyond English and French is an asset
- Ability to obtain time release (paid for by Provincial office)
This project is a 2 year commitment with plans for in-person and electronic meetings as well as individual work and group and/or individual travel to meet the following timelines:
- Fall 2022-Spring 2023: research & planning
- Summer 2023: travel & writing
- Fall 2023-Winter 2024: writing
- Winter-Spring 2024: editing & publication
Interested Members should apply through written submission – up to 500 words to es.workshops@osstf.ca – indicating their bargaining unit and their suitability and outlining specifically their possible contributions with respect to the above-mentioned needs.
The deadline for submission is 4:00 pm November 9, 2022. For more information see DBU #038. Any questions should be directed to Rosemary Judd-Archer at rosemary.judd-archer@osstf.ca at the Provincial Office.
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