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Call for Writers – Best Practices Resource Development for Bargaining Unit Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Officers

call for writers, type writer, notebook

The Provincial Executive is seeking up to (7) Members to help create a Best Practices Resource to support the Bargaining Unit Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Officer portfolio. This resource will be aimed at aiding local Bargaining Units in creating a more diverse, accessible, and equitable Federation at the local level. Applicants must demonstrate strong understanding of and have experience implementing equity, anti-racism and anti-oppression practices, with a preference for doing this work in union spaces. Members who help with the development of the resource would get recognized as contributing authors in the resource.

Applications can be filled out online. The deadline for applications is 4pm on December 16, 2022.

For questions please contact Rochelle Wijesingha at Rochelle.Wijesingha@osstf.ca at Provincial Office.

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