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Educational Services Resources

Canadian Black lives

Please click on the links below to view updated Educational Services Resources.

Canadian Black Lives (CBL) is an Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) member created curriculum resource. The CBL Writing Team and OSSTF/FEESO encourages all educators to improve their daily practice, raise their awareness and take deliberate and urgent action to dismantle systemic oppression and anti-Black racism.

Hello, My Name Is – Unlearning: How to Respect A Person’s Name, is an OSSTF/FEESO member created resource developed by the Educational Issues & Pedagogy Subcommittee of the Educational Services Committee.
hello name pronouns

The Respecting Pronouns document is an OSSTF/FEESO member created resource developed by the Educational Issues & Pedagogy Subcommittee of the Educational Services Committee.Gender postcard 2022

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