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OSSTF/FEESO Awards of Recognition for Members – Recognizing volunteerism within the Federation (2022-2023)


One of the ways that OSSTF/FEESO recognizes the volunteer contributions of its members in their district offices, their communities and their worksites is through the OSSTF/FEESO Awards of Recognition for Members. Often, the volunteer commitments of our members exceed 10 hours per week. When Members are balancing family, work and leisure obligations, that’s a considerable commitment of time given selflessly to the Federation.

Please click here to access the nomination process. Please click here to access a shareable booklet that summarizes the criteria for each award.

This year, we are highlighting OSSTF/FEESOs newest award – the OSSTF/FEESO Solidarity Award!

The OSSTF/FEESO Solidarity Award honours and publicly celebrates a member outside of the Provincial Office who, throughout their career, has embodied the Federation motto – Let us not take thought for our separate interests, but let us help one another. To be considered for this award, the Member must have done exemplary work within a Bargaining Unit or District and whose leadership and activism has demonstrated a deep commitment to strengthening the Federation. A nomination form must be submitted along with a resolution passed by a District or Bargaining Unit Executive accepting the nomination of the Member.

The recipient of the Solidarity Award will have demonstrated the following attributes:

  • outstanding lifetime contributions to OSSTF/FEESO that exemplify and inspire deep commitments to coalition building and bridging across workers, themselves and within the Federation;
  • openly and proudly placed value on unity and teamwork across multiple job classes throughout their career as an OSSTF/FEESO Member;
  • worked to break barriers and increase Member participation within OSSTF/FEESO;
  • worked to strengthen and support OSSTF/FEESO Members in the Federation, the workplace, or in the community; and
  • actively and persistently demonstrated leadership in improving organizational and workers’ rights within OSSTF/FEESO and the broader labour movement.

The deadline for nominations for most awards is January 31st and must be submitted online using the electronic Nomination Form link found below.

Please consider nominating a colleague or co-worker who gives their all daily to the Federation and its Members.

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