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Let’s Make a Commitment to Recognize Black History 365 Days a Year

black history month 2023

February 1, 2023, will mark the 28th anniversary of the celebration of Black History Month in Canada. This year’s theme is “Ours to Tell.”

OSSTF/FEESO encourages all educators to raise their awareness, reflect, and amplify the experiences of Black Canadians in their daily practice. The Honourable Lincoln MacCauley Alexander is one example of a Black Canadian whose legacy of activism, commitment to public education, and his political prowess will continue to be a source of teaching and learning for generations to come.

The fight for racial justice, equity, and recognition occurs 365 days a year. Teaching Black History in culturally responsive ways occurs 365 days a year.

Ways to celebrate Black History and Culture can include,

  • supporting Black businesses,
  • celebrating with cross-curricular activities,
  • sponsoring or donating to a Black community initiative,
  • reviewing OSSTF/FEESO’s publication – Canadian Black Lives,
  • learning about Black innovators, and
  • exploring your local Black historical sites.

Please stay on the lookout for OSSTF/FEESO online publications as we highlight Black leadership and organizations.

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