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Response to Ontario College of Teachers Fee Increase – Statements and Petition

Photo of OCT name on the outside of its building

The Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) Governing Council approved a membership fee increase for 2023 from $170 to $200 at a meeting on December 8, 2022. The Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) Board of Governors passed a motion for the development of a messaging campaign about the OCT fee increase.

Affiliate staff have collaborated with OTF representatives in the development of strategies and tactics to pushback against the nearly 18% increase in OCT fees. The OTF will be responsible for the development of campaign tools and materials with input from the affiliates. The goal is to launch elements of this campaign in February and find ways to maintain pressure on the College into the spring.

A summary of actions taken by the OTF to date is as follows:

January 16 – The OTF put out a statement regarding the OCT fee increase.
January 23 – The OTF sent a letter to the Registrar of the OCT condemning the fee increase (letter posted to the OTF website on January 27).

On February 8, the OTF launched a Send My Email tool for Members to send an email to the OCT Governing Council in protest of the fee increase and demanding that the fee increase be reversed and for members to receive a refund of the difference in the increase. OSSTF/FEESO Members who are members of the OCT are encouraged to send an email through this campaign.

Provincial Office will inform Members of any other actions taken by OTF regarding the OCT fee increase as they are deployed.

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