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Doug Ford Welcome Back Protest Party – Saturday, February 25, 2023

protest doug ford

Premier Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservative government have launched a series of attacks against the Greenbelt and affordable housing with Bill 23.

This legislation has come under scrutiny as the Ford government is under investigation over having alleged ties to developers and working in concert with them preceding the June 2022 election. The Chiefs of Ontario have also spoken out as they were not consulted and called this an “abuse of power” and “unlawful”.

As opposition continues to mount, a range of community groups are hosting an action on the lawn of Queen’s Park on Saturday, February 25, 2023. It will begin at 11:00am and will feature a series of activities and representatives from various community groups who are affected by the Ford government’s attacks to public health care, the Greenbelt, affordable housing, Indigenous rights, and public education. OSSTF/FEESO has endorsed this action and is encouraging Districts and Bargaining Units to attend the event to show their solidarity.

Municipalities are reeling from the very anti-democratic nature of Bill 23. Municipalities will be pushed to increase property taxes as Bill 23 takes away significant responsibilities and obligations for housing developers.

We encourage members who can do so, to attend on Saturday, February 25, 2023.

For more information, please visit https://www.welcomebackdoug.com/

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