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Bargaining 101 #3 What is a Bargaining Priorities Survey?

The information contained in these articles is designed to educate members on the general processes of negotiations for OSSTF/FEESO members. These articles do not contain any information on the current round of central negotiations. For information on the current round of negotiations please see bargaining bulletins.

The bargaining priorities survey is a series of focused questions posed by the union to its membership to help identify and quantify what the priorities and goals are for the union in bargaining.

Practically speaking, the survey is often a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions. For example, the survey may ask members to rank a series of issues in order of their importance to them. It may even ask for a member to describe, in their own words, what their perspective would be on those issues.

The survey helps guide the direction, purpose, and strategy of the Chief Negotiator and the negotiation team during bargaining. It also allows for evidence-based decision-making, which is particularly helpful when it comes to the difficult task of accepting compromise during negotiations.

Finally, the survey also fosters engagement from the membership. It is the most objective, democratic means for members to provide input directly to the bargaining team. It is an important piece of the puzzle that not only informs decision-making during negotiations, but it also identifies what focal points ought to be drafted into the bargaining brief as the team prepares for bargaining. It is always important to keep these priorities confidential to the membership and the bargaining team.

In the next issue: What is a bargaining brief?


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