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Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) Canadian Forum on Public Education

The Canadian Teachers’ Federation is holding a Canadian Forum on Public Education in Ottawa July 9-11, 2023. The event is open to public education supporters and activists from across the CTF/FCE Member, Associate and Partner Organizations, academia, government and public officials.

The theme this year, “The Answer Begins in the Classroom”, examines where we’ve been, where we are, and where we want to go by exploring key education issues focused on three themes: School, Union and Society.

The Forum on Public Education is open to all members of CTF. OSSTF/FEESO supports CTF and is opening up to ten (10) registrations for District / Bargaining Unit Educational Services Officers (ESO) of OSSTF/FEESO.

To apply for one of the 10 funding spots, ESOs are asked to email a written submission to rosemary.judd-archer@osstf.ca including the following information:

  1. Name, Bargaining Unit and District;
  2. Approval of the application the Bargaining Unit or District President;
  3. A brief (up to 300 words) description* of how your participation at this CTF conference:a. is connected to your past/current activities as an ESO;
  4. will benefit the members in your District or Bargaining Unit; and,
  5. will be shared with the members in your D/BU.

N.B. *applicants are encouraged to look at the agenda to make their submission relevant to the offerings at the Forum.

Once approved to be funded, Members can register through the CTF website (includes links to register for hotel and closes June 10, 2023) and either arrange transportation through Clarke-Way Travel or submit mileage for reimbursement.

OSSTF/FEESO values the participation of members with different voices from lived experiences. We recognize that the selection of applicants from Members of equity-seeking groups is an asset. Self-identification of membership in equity-seeking group(s) is voluntary.

Members selected to participate will be able to access funding support in two ways:

  1. An application to Account 2015 – Union/Health and Safety Training Programs by the participant’s District or Bargaining Unit.
  2. A cost-shared subsidy between the Provincial Office and the participant’s District or Bargaining Unit.

Expressions of interest may be submitted to Rosemary.Judd-Archer@osstf.ca by 4:00 p.m. on May 9, 2023.

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