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Project Overseas 2024 Canadian Teachers’ Federation

Plane sunset

Project Overseas is a joint endeavor of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) and its member organizations to support partners in developing countries as they co-plan and co- deliver professional learning to local educators.

This project is part of the CTF/FCE’s International and Social Justice Program, which focuses on teachers taking action for:

  • Teaching – Canadian teachers work with local teachers overseas to strengthen teacher competence;
  • Teacher Organizations – The program assists overseas partner organizations as they strengthen their capacities to provide professional services to their members; and
  • Gender Equality – All Project Overseas address gender equality for teachers, assist in the development of girl-friendly school environments and work to eliminate school- related gender-based violence.

OSSTF/FEESO will sponsor up to two (2) members to participate in Project Overseas 2024. Participants must be available for assignments during the month of July and meet a list of criteria set out by CTF/FCE.

The following Project Overseas documents can be found on the CTF/FCE Project Overseas website.



Information for Applicants

Frequently Asked Questions

Application Form

Members of OSSTF/FEESO interested in participating in Project Overseas must return their completed application form to Tracey.Germa@osstf.ca, by no later than Friday, Tuesday, November 28, 2023.

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